Rachel works on Monday and Friday as well as every other weekend. This doesn't make it easy since most of the time I work Mon-Fri and my traveling days are Tues-Thurs. Either way, Rachel decided to join me for a couple days of work. We planned to stay in Wells, ME at the Hampton Inn on one night and from there I would travel to the power plants while she went to the beach. The following night we planned to spend in Bangor and the last night in Millinocket.While in Millinocket we were hoping to spend a half day climbing or trying to hike Katahdin.
The Execution:
The hotel in Wells, ME was booked, so I searched for one closer to Biddeford where the plant was. Turns out that the hotel in Biddeford was also booked, probably because of the weather and the rush to Old Orchard Beach.
We left the house at around 8PM because Rachel spent some QT with Jen. We got stuck staying in South Portland by the Maine Mall.
The Food:
I had Village Pizza while driving on the way up to Maine. Rachel ended up feeding it to me because it's a lot more difficult than it sounds eating pizza on the road.
Tuesday was a busy day, I had customer meetings all day and Rachel enjoyed Scarborough Beach for the first time. I dropped her off in the morning after getting breakfast and she spent the majority of the day at the beach. When I went to pick her up from the beach, I accidentally threw my car keys out in the trash which caused some anxiety! Tuesday night we drove up to Bangor, ME to spend the night at a new Hilton Hotel.
The Food:
We went our separate ways on the food since I was busy with customer visits. Had Scarborough Grounds for breakfast. The Run of the Mill for lunch with customers. Union River Lobster Pot in Ellsworth, ME with customers for dinner.
I was here:
Rachel was here:
Wednesday we woke up in Bangor and we went our separate ways in the morning. I went and picked up some pastries for a customer meeting. Rachel slept. After my meetings we decided to head up a little further north to Baxter State Park. We hiked a short hike called South Turner Mountain after we received advice from a ranger which told us to stay away from Katahdin due to the inclement weather.
We walked a few different short trails, this included a spot called Sandy Steam Pond which is popular for spotting moose. Apparently there's a family of moose that live nearby and have been spotted frequently in this spot. Besides the moose it's a perfect spot for a scenery shot.
The Food:
Not much. We ate granola bars on the hike and lots of water! I also ate at River Drivers with customers from the mill. That place was pretty awesome, overlooking Katahdin.

After a customer meeting Thursday morning in E. Millinocket we made our trek back home. Funny thing about my customer visit is that we ran into Bob Chases wife. Bob Chase's article on hiking Katahdin was our "bible" for the trip. He told us everything to bring, where to go, what to look for etc. We didn't climb Katahdin but it was a strange coincidence to run into her at my customer meeting.
I was here:

Rachel was here:
It was pouring rain so there was no need for stopping. We ended up stopping for gas and salt water taffy in York, ME at The Golden Rod.
The Food:
Breakfast Appalachian Trail Cafe, Lunch Hershey's Ice Cream, Dinner Bob's Clam Hut
Miles: 951
Hours: 16
States: NH, MA, ME
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